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Extension Talks Between DeMar DeRozan, Bulls Have Stalled

DeMar DeRozan is in the final year of his three-year contract with the Chicago Bulls. He’s eligible to sign an extension, but those talks have stalled between DeRozan and the Bulls.

For his part, DeRozan says he doesn’t worry about contract talks or trade rumors during the season. The veteran wing leaves that stuff for others to take care of.

“This is work time,” DeRozan said Saturday. “I don’t want to hear (bleep), to be honest with you. I’ve been with my agent my whole career, and him knowing me like he does, people around me know how I am when it comes down to that kind of stuff. Same thing with family stuff back home. If it isn’t an emergency or something serious, I don’t want to hear about it, I don’t need to know about it.”

DeRozan understands where the questions and rumors come from. But he doesn’t want to be a distraction when he and his teammates should be focused on playing basketball.

“I understand what comes with having a rough season or rumors, and that speculation is going to come up everywhere,” DeRozan said. “It comes with this profession. Same with my contract. I’ve never demanded or stated, made accusations, ‘I want this, I need this, I deserve this.’ I just go out and play and let the chips fall where they fall. Tend to my teammates and be the best version of myself that I can be.”

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December 17, 2023 | 11:31 am

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